Change to joint leadership: Karl-Heinz Streibich joins the leadership team at Plattform Lernende Systeme

Dieter Spath, President of acatech – the German National Academy of Science and Engineering, is stepping down from his position as Co-Chair of Plattform Lernende Systeme, to be succeeded by Karl-Heinz Streibich, who has been at the helm of the Academy alongside Spath since May 2018. With immediate effect, Streibich joins Federal Minister Anja Karliczek as Co-Chair of Plattform Lernende Systeme and is taking on the remit of business expert in line with the division of responsibilities. The platform was initiated in 2017 by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) at the suggestion of acatech and the Autonomous Systems specialist forum, which is part of the Hightech Forum.
Streibich is a recognised expert and pioneer in digital business. Until the end of July 2018, he was CEO and Chairman of the Management and Group Executive Boards at Software AG. While at the company, he established an open Industry 4.0 platform and supported companies through their digital transformation. He is a member of the Executive Committee of Bitkom and has been involved in the German Federal Chancellor’s National IT Summit for several years. Streibich is now bringing his innovative spirit and extensive business experience to Plattform Lernende Systeme.